My name is Tom van Boxtel, 30 years old from Frankfurt, Germany. Presently, I work as a freelance event manager for conferences and meetings on an upscale level. Thank you for taking interest in the website.
Dear visitor,
I’ve started this website with the intention to provide relevant information to other professionals in the industry on topics related to event management, organization, and technology. Hoping that through the exchange of information and ideas we can offer a better experience to our clients.
I graduated from the school of business and hospitality management in Lucerne in 2014 and have been an active organizer of different events for the last seven years in Switzerland, and currently in Germany. And what I like most about my job is that it always keeps me on my toes. Even if we are fully prepared to host the next meeting and group of people, there is always something that will need to be taken care of at the last minute. Luckily, most tricky situations are easily handled with good problem-solving skills and keeping a cool head.
And when I’m not of service to others I like to relax actively in nature. My favorite activities are mountain biking, skiing, and kayaking. I also like to visit wineries and learn more about the soil and different types of minerals that give a unique flavor to each bottle of wine. My best find so far is a winery on the island of Gozo, Malta. I greatly enjoy the sustainable way of living and the hospitality of the people of Gozo.
I gladly welcome you on this website and please get in touch with me if you would like to get to know me and share your expertise (or a glass of wine for that matter).
Best wishes,